Sandra Kilgore’s Message to every resident and voter in Asheville

As a native of Asheville, I know many of you and your families personally. My relationship with all of you is the community relationship. Together we can work hard to make measurable improvements in our respective neighborhoods. My personal commitment to you is to use wisdom to deliver my best effort in addressing the community’s agenda, and not just the desires of a select few.

Like any city that has great leadership, we are experiencing,” growing pains,” of sorts.  Our mountains, sunsets, national forests, river ways and people are among the most beautiful on Earth. To ensure that Asheville lives up to its fullest potential, each of us are called to contribute in whatever manner we can. I need you to help me by knocking on doors, phone banking, putting out signs and providing friendly greetings at polling sites. Of course, any donations would also be greatly appreciated. Most importantly, you can contribute with your VOTE! This is your right and it is our duty to insure inclusion, equity and care within Asheville and our country as a whole. It is for this reason and only this, that I choose to offer my service to you as an Asheville City Council member. I presently hold a seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission, which has given me an insight to many of the concerns of the community.

The challenges of homelessness, unemployment, miseducation, affordable housing, living wages and you, the people of my hometown, are the fuel of my resolve to earn your vote for city council. Thank you for your VOTE!

Sandra Kilgore for Asheville City Council